New Live Online SAT-IBA-ECAT-MDCAT batches starting from 4th August!

Scholarship Criteria

Merit Scholarships for BCAT & ECAT programs:

O and A Levels:

  • Students with 8As or more in their O-level AND 3As or above in A-Levels will be given a discount of 50%. (A-level Math compulsory for BCAT)
  • Students with 8As or more in their O-level OR 3As or above in A-Levels will be given a discount of 25%. (A-level Math compulsory for BCAT)
  • Students with 7As in their O-levels will be given a discount of 15%.


  • Students with 90% in (XI)or more in will be given a discount of 50%. ECAT
  • Students with 80% in (XI)or more in will be given a discount of 25%. ECAT
  • Students with 80% in (XI)or more in will be given a discount of 15%. BCAT.


  • Students with a Minimum 550 each in English and math SAT exams OR 150+ scores in IBA round I test will be given a discount of 30%.

Merit Scholarships for MCAT programs:

O and A Levels:

  • Students with 8As or more in their O-level AND 3As or above in A-Level will be given a discount of 75%.
  • Students with 8As or more in their O-level OR 3As or above in A-Level will be given a discount of 50%.


  • Students with 90% in (XI)or more in will be given a discount of 50%.
  • Students with 80% in (XI)or more in will be given a discount of 25%.


Fill Scholarship Application Form

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.