New Live Online SAT-IBA-ECAT-MDCAT batches starting from 4th August!

Getting Admission Into NUST | Everything You Need To Know

Home>News Overview: The National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST) was established in 1991 with the purpose of providing a stable and disciplined academic environment. Currently, the university is the #1 engineering institute in Pakistan and brushes shoulders with some of the most prestigious universities in the world. For many aspiring engineers, getting admission into […]

Getting Admission Into IBA | Everything You Need To Know

Home>News Overview: The Institute of Business Administration (IBA) is one of Pakistan’s most reputed business universities. Founded in 1955, the university has gradually become one of Pakistan’s leading institutions. Due to a focus on quality education and a limited number of seats, only ~4,000 students get admission out of tens of thousands of applicants each […]